Why You may be Confused by the CAA Website

BMFA News, February 2023, page 48, included a very useful article by Cliff Whittaker about Article 16 and the CAA Website.

It includes:

  • an explanation of why the CAA website is way off the point as far as we are concerned
  • a simple table comparing the requirements and rules for ‘Joe Public’ and ‘BMFA Members’
  • explanation of why you may get emails from either the CAA or the BMFA about your Pilot Test expiring

It won’t explain why the CAA insist on sending you emails about your successful registration and renewal, on the same day and repeating what the BMFA have already told you.

Click on the image to read the full article:

Thumbnail to Cliff Whittaker's BMFA News article Feb 2023


My thanks to Cliff Whittaker, author, and Pete Dodd, BMFA News Editor, for permission and assistance in publishing this article.