Rougham Planning update

I received the following email about the planning consultation yesterday:

‘Message from West Suffolk Planning Policy Consultations

Dear Sir or Madam

West Suffolk Local Plan Preferred Options – responses published

West Suffolk Local Plan Preferred Options consultation took place between 26 May and 26 July 2022.

You registered an interest in this consultation and may have submitted comments to us either through the consultation portal or by email.

We have now published all the comments received and you can view them by logging on to the system and scrolling to the bottom of the homepage and selecting ‘view responses’

To view comments on a specific part of a document you should click on the document and the section you are interested in. You will find a link to the documents at the bottom of each section.

Please contact us on 01284 757368 or if you require further assistance.

Yours sincerely

Strategic Planning’

Worth knowing that if you have not already done so, you will need to register with the planning portal to view the responses.

Can anyone cast any light on what these responses mean?

In my naive way, I assumed that I would be able to examine some of these responses and gain a clue as to what is happening. If anything.

After a couple of hours poking about I am not much wiser. I would welcome insight from anyone who can interpret what is effectively a large box stuffed with random, technical and detailed papers, in an effective way.

All I have gleaned so far is that the process seems to have unleashed a feeding frenzy not unlike walking the seafront with a bag of chips.

One nugget that my addled brain picked on to support that view is a pretty document from Pigeon Investment Management Ltd (document opens in a new tab). They appear to have some hold over the strip of land adjacent to Mount Rd to the North of the existing runway adjacent to the farm area (identified as 2.02h in the planning consultation). An incomplete read of the document implies to me that they want 2.02h plus 2.02a (the airfield site) all lumped into one to quadruple their existing house building plans.