Covid 19 Update

The Club Committee is considering how to arrange for club meetings. Quite apart from the health issues, the potential £10,000 fine for an organiser who ignores the rules justifies caution.

General Safety

Government guidelines are prone to very rapid change/clarification.

At the time of writing the BMFA appear to have dropped any attempt to clarify Covid 19 guidelines for our sport.

The Committee are therefore reluctant to add to confusion or misinformation by producing and maintaining guidance for members.

I have therefore agreed to simply provide a link to the Government Covid 19 website to enable and encourage members to remain aware and up to date. In a perfect world this link enables members to remain on top of whatever guidance, instructions and laws currently apply when we head off to the flying site.

Unfortunately, whilst checking the available information I discovered that the Government maintain Covid 19 information in 2 locations. The information is fulsome, authoritative and official, but not necessarily clear or even consistent.

Cabinet Office – Coronavirus outbreak FAQ’s: what you can and can’t do (opens in new tab)

Last update 26 August 2020 at time of my posting it here (3 September 2020)

Dept of Health & Social Care – Guidance. Meeting people from outside your household (opens in new tab)

Referenced link states it is valid from 4 July 2020, but the document says it was last updated 2 September 2020, at time of my including it here (3 September 2020)

If I am wrong about the BMFA and anyone knows of a link to some clear members guidelines I would be very happy to publish a link to help us all.

Flying Site Specifics

Shared facilities – Hut, loo and air radio handset at Knettishall should not be used.

Members using the site book via the ‘Teamup’ facility and are keen to limit attendance to 6 people on any one occasion.

The instructions from 26 May about accessing and handling the air radio remain valid.

Harder to organise a limit of 6 attendees at any one session.

Jet Flying
Our Jet suitable site is open, but only for local members. Questions should be addressed to Mark Hinton.